Our 2024 BOK Lecture is Krystal De Napoli

Bok Lecture

The BOK Lecture will be held in the Warrumbungle National Park, at Canyon Picnic Area.

More information can be found in the events pages

Our 2024 Sceince in the Pub Guest's

Matthew Dodds

Matt Dodds

Matt Dodds is an Amateur Astronomer and the Education Officer for the Sydney University node of ASTRO 3D. He has a keen passion for Astronomy and Science Education and connecting people with the night sky. Having spent the better part of the last decade as a High School Science Teacher, Matt excels at inspiring students to follow their passions, ask questions and pursue their goals in Science related fields. Matt can often be found travelling around the country, sharing the eyepiece of his telescopes with school groups or the general public. He also presents various workshops to teacher and student groups such as the basics of spectroscopy, the scale of the solar system and how to build a telescope. One his long drives around Australia he loves listening to Astronomy podcasts such as "Space Nuts", "Cosmic Vertigo" and the "Exocast". He on both Instagram and Twitter @ScienceWithMat.

Fred Watson

Fred Watson

Brian Schmidt


Brian Schmidt AC FAA FRS FTSE is Distinguished Professor of Astronomy at the Australian National University. For his work on the accelerating universe, Brian Schmidt was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with Adam Riess and Saul Perlmutter. Schmidt has worked across many areas of Astronomy including supernovae, gamma ray Bursts, gravitational wave transients, exo-planets, and metal poor stars. Receiving his PhD from Harvard University in 1993, Schmidt joined the staff of the Australian National University in 1995. He served as the 12th Vice Chancellor and President of the Australia National University from 2016-2023. https://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~brian/

Nuria Lorente

Nuria Lorente

Kathryn Grasha


Dr. Kathryn Grasha is an observational astronomer at the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University. Her research sheds light on the physics that governs how galaxies transform and evolve by tracing how oxygen atoms we breathe and the carbon we are made of formed across cosmic time. Dr. Grasha earned her PhD in 2018 from the University of Massachusetts and is now an ARC DECRA Fellow and ASTRO 3D Fellow at ANU.